Road to Rishikesh

Road to Rishikesh takes the viewer on a visual journey with cinematic language that creates emotional impact. This was not a predictable trip, but a journey full of all kinds of discoveries–new friends, new feelings, a new sense of self. The camera captured moments in which people experienced lasting changes.

By bringing young people to a foreign land at a crucial age of emotional and psychological development, and exposing them to cultural diversity and mindfulness, Yogis Chandanni and Chris Miglino enable them to flourish and foster means of inspiration and growth that are not otherwise  available to them. India is an environment conducive to harnessing these principles. The impact of growth and awareness will far surpass the 12 days the students spent traveling.

The experiences depicted in Road to Rishikesh reinforce the value of non-standardized education for underserved youth and create a powerful portrait of the importance of cultural exchange.